

The Department of Science was awarded the title of Department of Excellence thanks to the quality of research carried out over the five-year period 2018-2022, then reconfirmed for the next five years (2023-2027). It is a prestigious award given by the MUR (Italian University Ministry) which provides for financing a research project  on Antropocene, relative to the human impact on environment and health for over 10 million Euro.

This result has been achieved thanks to the integration of various scientific disciplines,  on which, in 2013, the Department was founded: Biology, Chemistry, Condensed Matter Physics and Earth Science,  sharing a scientific approach to research, carried out through the production of experimental data and the consequent elaboration of theories and interpretative models. The new project of Excellence 2023-2027 has the purpose to promote new education actions and interdisciplinary research. The high interdisciplinarity of the department's professors and assistant professors has led to a rich course catalogue through Bachelor’s degree courses in: Biological sciencesEno gastronomic sciences and cultures, Geological sciences, Optics and optometry, Sciences for the protection of nature and environmental sustainabilty.

 Master’s degree courses in: Biodiversity and environmental protection, Geology and Environmental Protection, Molecular, cellular and health biology and the new Master’s degree course in Pharmacy starting from a.y. 2023/24

Moreover, the student can choose, as for postgraduate education, among PhD and Advanced Professional courses of I and II level.

Each course is taught from professors of the various scientific and disciplinary fields covering all the main thematic areas.

The multidisciplinary of the courses offered by the Department of Science allows important opportunities in the labor market.

Informazioni di sistema 02 July 2024