
studenti a Barcellona


An international approach in higher education and research has always been a priority for our University, we want our students to gain international competences being able to work and communicate in a multicultural context thus better responding to the growing demand of highly trained staff and to the challenges of globalisation of the labour market.

We work on providing student exchanges through:

Moreover, the University offers various “international classrooms” through single courses delivered in English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese, for further information please consult  foreign language courses for a.y. 2023/24

Contact: Student Division and European Student Mobility Programme

Ufficio Orientamento

Orientation for prospective students

Orientation for prospective students of Roma Tre University are managed by the  Orientation Office.  It supports you in the choice of your university path, in accordance with your preferences and interests. You can participate by yourself or with your school at the University days, at the Open Day Orientation at Roma Tre,  at the meetings of peer guidance (online meetings for students attending the fourth year of High School), at the project Next generation orientation, among Lazio Region Universities with the purpose to fulfil guidance courses in secondary schools in order to support students in outlining their professional aptitude.

In order to get ready for the enrollment, you can train with the  admission test simulation. Moreover, if you need to re-orientate your choice, at the end of your Bachelor’s path, you can participate at the Open Day Master’s Degree.

You will find us on Facebook and Instagram

Student Affairs Division


Scienze Politiche

Enrolment at Roma Tre

Now that you’ve understood that Roma Tre is the right University for you, you can sign up, a very easy proceeding. Follow the instructions in the shortened version in English - calls for admission. All the proceedings related to students career, admission test, fees, grants and exemptions, post lauream, foreign qualification, international mobility may be carried out online through the , Student Portal, a  website inside Roma Tre University website conceived to support students for information on administrative procedures. 

Contact:  Student Division and European Student Mobility Programme and remind that for support on proceedings, you can also go to our Piazza Telematica.


sportello urp

Public Relation desk for prospective students 

Roma Tre University provides a new service specially conceived for information on admission and enrollment. 

The desk will be active only during the summer season, corresponding to the duration of the calls for admission. The service is carried out remotely through Microsoft Teams. 

It is necessary the use of on-line booking. To book follow the instructions on the page of the Public Relation desk.   

For information, it can also be reached at the following  WhatsApp number 334-6271525 

During the year, it is possible to use the FAQ service. FAQ  


If you have Specific Learning Disorder (SLD), you can count on us. 

If you are a student with SLD, we will help you! 

Contact our service 

studenti seduti in aula attorno a un pc


Nobody is excluded, everybody can study at Roma Tre. 

All the students of Roma Tre will have their specific support to achieve their study goal. If you are a student with disability, we will help you. 

Follow the activities of the Office for Students with Disabilities and SLD

Student Affairs Division

Porta Futuro University Network

Roma Tre, in collaboration with Porta Futuro Lazio, as part of the University placement services, will guide you through several useful services: an overview on the personal skills, the drafting of the curriculum, the development of a video curriculum, professional orientation.  

Follow us on the dedicated page of professional orientation and c.v.  



Job Placement/Internship

From college to work, we never leave you alone.

We have developed a Career Service providing several services and opportunities promoting the link between universities and the world of labor leading you in the transition towards your professional future.

You will also be able to participate in activities and workshops aimed at developing transversal competencies and soft skills in order to acquire valuable tools to support your entry in the labor market

Contact  Job Placement Office and Internships Office

Student Affairs Division

studenti seduti nel corridoio

University Language Centre - CLA

Our University Language Centre (CLA) will provide services and tools in order to improve knowledge of foreign languages and award certification, you will be supported by a team of language trainers and skilled native-speaking. CLA manages on line and in person lessons, on line documentation and exchanges with foreign students to facilitate conversation. 

Moreover, starting from a.y. 2021/22, Roma Tre has decided to invest in language training so that each student attending a Bachelor’s Degree course may obtain, free of charge, a B2 level certification in a foreign language. A basic requirement for accessing labour market and some Master’s Degree courses. 

Contact:  University Language Centre 


collage foto biblioteche


Spaces, books, people: “you need” libraries! Come to study, read, learn, participate, experience, socialize and collaborate with us.

The University Library System offers you reading rooms and comfortable environments, wi-fi and computer stations, rich collections of textbooks and books to deepen your study, magazines, e-books, e-journals, data bases and many services supporting your learning and your researches.
Libraries’ staff will sustain and guide you throughout your university path.

Take a tour in three minutes!

And if you want to participate in planning the library of the future with us, fill in the questionnaire “ The Library I would like"

You will find us on Facebook  and Instagram


Psychological Support Service (ISP) for students  

Psychological Support (ISP) is a service provided by the University to all its students experiencing situations of mental and physical distress or malaise with possible consequences on their course of studies. 

Psychological Support Service activity is conducted by a team of psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists evaluating and treating cognitive processes and psychological problems of adaptation that may arise during their academic path. ISP is the result of a collaboration between the University of Roma Tre and the Santa Lucia IRCCS Foundation.  

Centro antiviolenza Roma Tre

Women's crisis center 

The Women’s crisis center Sara Di Pietrantonio welcomes everyone who needs and/or wants to get out of situations of distress, violence and gender discrimination. The Center is located in Roma Tre’s premises and  is meant to help the entire University and the urban area. It can be reached by subway Line B San Paolo or Garbatella stop or by bus (766,23 or 792 line) Ostiense Libetta stop.  To contact the Women’s crisis center closer to home or work, please refer to the following, free of charge, national telephone number antiviolence or stalking #1522 

The Women’s crisis center Sara Di Pietrantonio ensures privacy, anonymity and it is free of charge


The Center is open and receives by appointment:  

Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M./ Tuesday and Thursday  from 1:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. 

Address: Via Ostiense 147 (entrance via Libetta)
24-hour telephone: 06.57331522

dirittto allo studio

Right to Education

DiSCo is the regional body for the right to education and the promotion of knowledge awarding each year thousands of  scholarships, housing and other benefits for enrolled students in Lazio’s region universities particularly for non-resident students.

The canteens service is also managed by the regional body DiSCo ensuring students the possibility to eat meals at discounted rates.

Download the presentation to learn about student services.

Are you a non-resident student? Do you need an accommodation? Are you looking for economic benefits? Roma Tre has developed a network of useful services as those dedicated to housing.

If you would like to contribute to the growth of the academic community, the University will support you with scholarships for collaboration or for merit  that will allow you to partially fund your studies while gaining real work experience within the university environment.


studenti al pc negli alloggi

Student Accommodation 

In order to meet housing demand by its students, Roma Tre University has concluded agreements with companies and third parties, for further information please refer to the following webpage:  student accomodation service 


Attività per gli studenti-01

Student Activities Office

The Student Activities Office helps to maintain a constant dialogue between the University and its students. Its activity is particularly aimed at:

  • promoting the active participation of students in university life;
  • collaborating with public bodies and non-profit organizations with the purpose to inform and raise awareness among students on social and cultural issues;
  • developing proposals for cultural policies and initiatives for students;
  • collaborating with the Student Council and student representatives;
  • collaborating with university offices, on the basis of agreed work plans, to disseminate information on initiatives of students’ interest;
  • drafting university and departmental guides;
  • promoting our students' participation in calls and external activities within agreements between our University and other Organizations (e.g., Institute for the International Education of Students - IES; Council on International Educational Exchange - CIEE).

Contact the Student Activities Office

Student Affairs Division

Informazioni di sistema 04 July 2024