International Course Catalogue

studentesse a roma tre

Degree programmes held in English

International vision and excellence in higher education are among the main purposes pursued by Roma Tre University by the establishment of a large network of foreign partner universities both in teaching and research. International degree courses allow Italian and foreign students to acquire knowledge aiming at creating professionals qualified to work in an international context.

For further information take a look at the Degree programmes held in English


Curricula of Degree Courses and Single courses delivered in English

Roma Tre is very attentive to the needs of international students. Incoming Erasmus students, exchange agreements and others can rely on a vast academic offer of study plans and about 220 courses taught mainly in English for almost each Degree program  at bachelor level (Laurea Triennale), master level (Laurea Magistrale) and PhD, available as well for Italian students

Curricula of Degree Courses in English

Global Legal Studies programme

The Global Legal Studies programme is an Italian/English bilingual program leading to the traditional Single Cycle Degree in Law (Laurea in Giurisprudenza)  including all the skills required for legal professions in Italy and an international curriculum aiming at the education of lawyers and consultants able to work in an international environment, both in Italy and abroad. For further information, please consult Roma Tre Law School 

Have a look at the Courses taught in English or other languages


Studenti matematica

Joint or Double Degree programmes

Double and joint degree programmes are held by University Roma Tre in partnership with one or more foreign Universities.

Have a look at the list of double or joint degree programmes which allow participating students to obtain a double qualification   recognized both in their home university and in foreign partner universities with whom Roma Tre have signed agreements.

Check the Call for admission 2024/25 (Italian version) and the list of double and joint degree programmes offered by Roma Tre University

Informazioni di sistema 02 July 2024