Political Science

Political Science

The Department of Political Sciences offers a broad and solid education in political and social phenomena along with several opportunities in the labor market. Graduates can reach complex competences and an international outlook in several professional areas thanks to the organization of disciplines in political, social, historic, economic and legal topics. The main purpose of the degree courses is to provide an adequate knowledge on political processes and international relationships as for contexts and dimensions.

The basic education provided in the Bachelor's degree courses, enables the pursuit of the second cycle degree courses: Master's degree courses lasting two years.

The Department offers the following degree courses:

  • 3 Bachelor's degree courses: Political science, Policies cooperation and development, Government and administration
  • 4 Master's degree courses: Administrations and public policies, Global security studies: environment, energy and conflicts, International relations, International studies

Enrollment and contacts

Degree course in Political Science

Bachelor’s degree courses in:

Master’s degree courses in:

Admission notice: Scienze Politiche - Portale dello Studente

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Informazioni di sistema 02 July 2024