Education Science
Given the current historical context represented by changes in the regulatory framework of school, extracurricular and university training processes, and the urgent need to create a truly common European training and research area, the Department of Education Science (DSF) intends to develop education and research paths allowing to train professionals able to act in the fields of education, social service, childcare, schools, services, third sector and in companies according to national and European regulation in education and research.
The Department is addressed to students wishing to face in their study and professional future, the challenges of a changing educational demand existing in the contemporary society concerning: teacher training to the intercultural dimension, from adult education to continuing education; from the field of socio-educational services to the analysis of the more general social dimensions of today’s reality.
The worldwide dimension of cultural and educational phenomena is an essential element of today's society that’s why is necessary to develop research that allows to deepen the different theoretical, historical and comparative paths in an international educational perspective.
The recent regulatory changes (D. Leg. 13 aprile 2017, n. 65 and Law 205/2017), have redefined university path related to jobs in the area of education (early childhood education and care, socio-pedagogical professional educator, educational scientist). As a result of these changes, the Department has reviewed his course catalogue that is based on a plurality of educational perspectives, aiming at the training of professional in the field of education and social.
Enrollment and contacts
Degree course in Education Science
Bachelor’s degree courses in:
- Early childhood education and care (L-19)
- Educational science (L-19)
- Educational sciences for professional educators and adults' educators (L-19)
- Social work and sociology (L-39/L-40)
Single cycle master’s degree course in:
- Five- year single cycle master’s degree in Primary teacher education (LM85bis)
Master’s degree courses in:
- E-learning and media education (LM-93)
- Pedagogy, adults' education and long-life learning (LM-57/LM-85)
- Socio-educational services manager (LM-93)
- Pedagogy for inclusive communication mediated by LIS (interuniversity) (LM-85)
Admission notice: :Scienze della Formazione - Portale dello Studente
From a.y. 2024/2025, an interuniversity master’s degree in Inclusive communication science mediated by LIS – LM 85 will be running, the administrative seat is located at Palermo University, the degree programme has been developed between University Ca’ Foscari Venice and our Department of Education Science